Let's have a closer look at our plugin

  • ✔️ The easiest way to rent out advertising space on your WordPress website.
  • ✔️ Be your own ad network and sell your ads directly without middlemen.
  • ✔️ Stop promotion cheap ads! You as a website owner decides how much your advertising space is worth. This gives you full control over your income.
  • ✔️ You don't want to advertise certain products? No problem, because you have the choice. Before the transaction, an advertisement comes as an order in your WordPress dashboard. You can choose which request you want to accept or reject.
  • ✔️ This plugin let's people sell their ads directly to flush more profit into the pockets of the website owners.
  • ✔️ We are transparent and completely focused on the satisfaction of our plugin users. We are extremely grateful for every feedback and we work hard to create more value for our users.

Our Installation Guide

  1. Visit the plugins page within your WordPress dashboard and select ‘Add New’.
  2. Search for ‘SELL ADS WPFLAMINGO.COM’.
  3. Activate Sell Ads Plugin on your Plugins page.

After Plugin Activation

  1. Select “Sell Ad Space” in the Menu.
  2. Create your advertising campaign to sell advertising space.
    Add new Ad Campaign
  3. Display the campaign on your website using ‘Shortcode’ or ‘Php’.
  4. Connect with Stripe to be able to receive payment.
    Add new Ad Campaign

After Ad Space Purchase Request

  1. The buyer pays, uploads his ad and the link to his offer.
  2. His purchase request will be sent to your dashboard.
    Add new Ad Campaign
  3. At the end of the ordering process, the buyer receives a link through which he can use to cancel the subscription at any time.
  4. If you (as the website owner) accept the request, you can publish the advertisement.
  5. Also, you can cancel the advertising partnership at any time in your WordPress dashboard.

After Ad Space Purchase Request Accepted

  1. If the advertiser cancels within the first 14 days, the advertiser will automatically receive 100% of the payment back and all future payments will be cancelled.
  2. This monthly advertising subscription remains active until one of the two parties cancels.

The Mission behind our Sell Ads Plugin

It’s a fact that most bloggers make little to no money. We became aware of this with the following study. After a survey on blogging.org of 1,000 US bloggers about their income, it was found that “81% of bloggers have never earned even $100 from blogging”.

We have noticed that there is no way for small websites and blogs to get adequate payment for advertising. That’s why we have developed this plugin to offer monthly rental of banner ads on any WordPress blog.

Compared to e.g. micro influencers in influencer marketing, niche-specific website blogs are underpaid. With this plugin, we have a solution to give the publisher more chances for higher and more calculable income. You won’t get paid by clicks or impressions. With this plugin small and large WordPress blogs can set their own advertising price.

Under this name we created a project developer for developers to become more independent and profitable. The plugin is free and we finance ourselves through a service fee on transactions more here. It is important for us to be completely open about fees to position ourselves as transparent service partners.

This makes the Sell Ads Plugin special

Our WordPress Plugin is designed to help blog owners increase their revenue by selling monthly advertising. In our opinion, selling advertising on a monthly basis is the most profitable way to monetize a website. The following principles characterize our work with this plugin.

  • Concept
    The plugin is kept simple and basic. With this, we want to maintain fast page speed and user-friendliness.
  • Technology
    For the creation of this plugin, independent developers with exclusive expertise in plugin development were brought together.
  • Feedback
    During plugin maintenance, and improvement, only steps that represent a significant improvement for the user are implemented.
  • Open Source
    The plugin is maintained by a team of independent developers. The code is openly accessible and created as Open Source Project.

Selling ads on a monthly basis gives you the chance to get big advertising deals. No other way of monetization can compete with that. Subscription is the future of advertising on websites for us because it brings together reliable advertising deals with advertisers and bloggers.

FAQ about Sell Ads WordPress Plugin

How can I sell ads on my website?

With our plugin you can easily rent out banner ad space on your website. An interested advertiser can easily rent ad space on a monthly basis. This way even small blogs can earn money monthly with advertisers.

How much can I sell advertising space on my website?

As an average guideline, 1$-5$ per 1000 impressions is often used as a guideline. As an example, at 100,000 impressions, the price could be around $100-500. We recommend our users to start with a lower price and slowly increase.

What is the best way to monetize my WordPress blog?

According to our experience, you can earn maximum profit through affiliate marketing and renting monthly advertising space.

How can I monetize a WordPress blog with max profit?

With our plugin you can rent out advertising space on your website on a monthly basis. Selling direct deals to advertisers increases the chances for more revenue.

How can I build my own WordPress Ad-Network?

An ad network is a network that is used to bring advertisers and publishers together. In this case, the network acts as an intermediary between supply and demand.
The ad network earns the most in the process and the publisher often comes off worse in such deals. With our plugin, WordPress blogs are helped to escape this and earn more from advertising.

How to generate monthly income with many website visitors?

Reaching a large group of people with a blog often doesn’t necessarily mean earning more. At least not with affiliate marketing. With a WordPress website with a lot of hits, it can definitely be easier to find people who want to advertise on your blog.
To do business directly with such people our plugin is suitable. You can simply send such people a link to your banner ad space.

How do I place ads for someone who bought ad space from me?

If you accept an advertising partnership, you are obliged to post the advertisement in the form of a banner in the following month. However, the terms and conditions can be customized by the website owner.

Why is renting advertising space better than affiliate marketing?

It is doubtful that selling advertising space is better than affiliate marketing. However, when renting advertising on a monthly basis, the income is more predictable and does not vary as much.

Can even small websites rent out advertising space?

Any website can sell advertising space. No matter what niche or number of visitors. You just need to find someone who wants to advertise on your website.

What makes this ads plugin powerful?

The most powerful thing we find is that a website owner gets back the power over his revenue. Traditional advertising networks could never generate such a high amount of money for website owners as direct advertising deals.

How to sell ads online?

1.) If you create a campaign and embed it in your website, this ad space can be booked for ads. 2.) When someone books an ad space, a request appears in your WordPress dashboard. 3.) If you accept this request, you are obligated to post the provided banner ad and get paid the corresponding amount via Stripe on a monthly basis.

How to sell ads on my blog?

Our plugin makes it easy to sell ad space on your WordPress blog. All you have to do is find a serious buyer who wants to advertise on your website.

How do I make people aware of my free advertising space?

We have also thought about how to help users effectively advertise their banner ads. You can create your own menu item on your website with “Advertise with Us”. In addition, you could for example offer your service on Fiverr and then refer to your banner ad space. If more users are interested in this topic we want to publish a guide with tips for it.

How can I rent advertising space on my website on a monthly basis?

The Sell Ads plugin is a good alternative to rent advertising space on a website on a monthly basis. You can download this plugin for free and try to find a tenant monthly advertising partner. The tenant pays monthly for ad space on your website.